Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Shift in Young People's Morals and Values

Many people think that the morals and values of young people have declined over the past decade or two. But a new survey seems to indicate that this is actually not the case at all. More American teens today say they would make responsible decisions on everything from cheating on tests to cyberbullying, smoking and sex than teens did 20 years ago.

Via San Francisco Chronicle:
Girl Scouts of the USA just released the findings of a nationwide random sample of schools and 3,263 girls and boys from the third through twelfth grades, asking the same questions as a 1989 survey, with some updates for relevance.

Some might think that these statistics actually show a moral decline (accepting gay marriage etc.) but, it simply demonstrates a shift in morality and values towards a more accepting community and tolerance for diversity, which is great news for the future.

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